Consumer Electronics
Consumer Electronics market size is a large number and has an impact to all of us and changed already our life. Domestic applications (white goods), Air Condition, Battery Charger for Mobile phone, TVs, Lighting Systems (LED Driver). There are a variety of electronic applications that help us every day to make life convenient and more efficient. Vitrohm is driven by the desire of the End Customer to develop the right product for a variety of applications.
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What happens when a resistor burns up?
A resistor is a passive electrical component with the main function to limit the flow of electric current. A resistor accomplishes this task by being made of materials that are conductive.

Wirewound resistors: more than just precision and power resistors
A wirewound resistor is an electrical passive component that limits current flow on an electrical circuit.

Vitrohm and Yageo sponsor #RaceForGood charity event
VITROHM and YAGEO are sponsoring together the called #RaceForGood charity event hosted by HBC Rutronik Racing Team.